PAST EVENT: Practical Sheep Classing Day with Mark Ferguson

PAST EVENT: Practical Sheep Classing Day with Mark Ferguson

To register for this free event, head to or email

It's tough to know for sure which sheep are the best ones to keep. There is lots of different information from lots of different people and organisations confusing us about what to look for.

Everyone seems to have their pet "thing". Soft noses. Big necks. Mobile skin. Floppy wool. Proud head. Velvety ears. Dense wool. No dust penetration. Good condition in the wool. Wide nostrils. Big canon bones. Wool to the shanks. Deep chests. Floppy ears.

I'm sure you've heard many (or all!) of these and more.

Come along to the (FREE) Practical Sheep Classing Day at Rissmerino to find out what is actually worth caring about. Gain the confidence to know that you are truly selecting the animals that will help YOU meet YOUR breeding objectives.

Practical Sheep Classing Day Flyer


And there's a couple other bonuses on the day as Alan Rissmann (co stud principal of Rissmerino) talks about how to make autodrafters work for you and demonstrates the breedELITE autodrafter drafting ewes up for lambing.

Unfortunately, Zondii were unable to make it this time. We strongly recommend you go check out their latest project though! It could be a game changer for helping you class wool and sheep, as they are developing a device that you can use in real time to measure the fibre diameter of the wool in front of you.

We'll also have some of our sale rams available for inspection.


8:30am: Arrive, tea and coffee available.

9:00am sharp: The science of sheep classing (Dr Mark Ferguson)

10am: Morning tea.

10:30am: Practical, hands on in the race classing. Time for questions and discussion.

12:30am: Lunch.

1:30pm: How to make autodrafters work for you (Alan Rissmann) and demonstrating use of the breedELITE autodrafter

2:30pm: Stay for a chat or head home!


This is an entirely FREE event, but please register so we know how many people to feed! Register at or email


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